Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Music of the season

The image on the right is a rather unique one. Three people singing Islamic Iraqi music inside the First Christian Church in Bloomington, Indiana. A sight for sore eyes and music for the aching heart, indeed. And what wonderful melody. The crowd listened mesmerised at the Lotus festival. Ofcourse that is an assumption since I was completely lost in the voice of the lead singer myself. I am no believer in heaven, but personally I came pretty close that evening. Inspiring indeed !
Some other concerts worth mentioning were a crazy Brazilian samba group at the Buskirk-Chumley theater and ofcourse the Indian music that comes in every year to remind me of what I am missing out on :)
Ofcourse the best part of all this is being able to hang out with friends and dance until late in the night. Every home needs a library and every town needs a music festival. I am glad dear old Chennai does. I hope someday it will shed it's conservative coat and become as open to world music as B-town is.

This year we were lucky to see the colors along with the music which was the feather on the cap for Lotus. I notice sometimes that there aren't as many people on the road as I would expect during such a festival. I wonder why that is.
The past one week has been about getting back to work and mundane affairs of life. If only I can take a little bit of the fun with me everyday wherever I go .... :)


At 1:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sowmi,

I am always envious of all these cool (and meaningful) stuff that goes on in ur uni! Iraqi music performance in an American church is definitely something unique!

btw..post something everyday..a reason for me to escape from work!


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