Anti Clock-wise
What is it that I hear about time management?
Now, I couldn't do that if I were backwards bent
Whoever believed that they can manage time
Meant not yours or mine, nor the general chime.
These people, they set their watches five minutes fast
So they can arrive early, still barely closer than the last
They add in advance and pretend not to subtract
Trying frantically to deny the math and obscure a fact
The noise from their houses, it's no false alarm
For their spouses and neighbours, it works like a charm
They came screaming into the world on their very first day
And want to re-live the experience in much the same way
They write what they need to do and order them neatly
Hitting one by one with vigour and march across swiftly
Their delight growing and shrinking in inverse proportion
To the length of their duties and task allocation
Every now and then they do stop and significantly pause
If only to log their achievements and further their cause
Sometimes they can hardly count or accurately remember
All the things that they have done over lost hours of slumber
Some of their time is specially christened as "quality"
The rest of it I suppose being at any rate a rarity
With care and concern they skillfully orchestrate
Taking care to enact what they believe to be sure fate
It's no wonder I am tired of the same story, same mime
The one about the hectic swirling non-stop life of time
Now, as for me, it may not be much or with excitement, rife
But would you blame me for preferring the time of my life?