Saturday, November 10, 2007

Local sixer

For those of you who just dropped in from Mars, Pakistan has recently declared an emergency. Everyone is talking about it including Dubya. Yet, an eerie silence seems to exist in much of South East Asia, particularly India which has given about the same reaction to this issue as it did to the tearing apart of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu on the issue of water. A cool indifference coated with a verbal homage. For a country that has recently posted a nominee to the United Nations General Secretary post and is constantly claiming a position on the Permanent security council, it has remained largely docile in it's opinion in a situation where it should be really the most vociferous. One wonders whether the press is under immense pressure to maintain an appearance of neutrality. There is really no way for the Indian public to know of the long-term consequences of this emergency situation with no voices to trust or even hear. But what worries me most of all about this lack of stance is that in giving a lukewarm reaction to the plight of the average Pakistani, India is letting slip an important opportunity to gain the trust of this neighbour, once family. If democracy is re-instated in Pakistan, as I sure hope it is, one can only hope with a vague sense of relief that the new government will return any good-will for our support during difficult times. If we meet the ball now with an uncertain bat, we can be sure that that it will only boomerang on us when we most need it sent out of the ground. This is not a time for a "local sixer".

In the meantime Kumble is now faced with the arduous task of putting a new spin on the sporting rivalry between the two countries. I for one wish that this gamesmanship at least moves on in the right spirits. I am glad the Pakistani team has had some reason to celebrate its cricketing tradition, in times that they have little else to celebrate as citizens.


At 6:20 AM , Blogger Dilip Muralidaran said...

Its not about wanting to react but about not knowing how to react. Our politicians are too dumb ass and too cowardly to take any risks and make any move at this point of time.

At 1:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

People should read this.


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