Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hero-ing in on one

Watching the breaking-back author, James Blake, battle the ever-green Fabrice Santorro in the second round of the US open tennis matches, I cannot help but wonder who I admire more. Should I take my hats off to the blazing Blake for his grueling journey to somewhere near the top of the tennis line-up, or the courageous Santorro who hasn’t let the candles on his cake stop him from taking a best shot at what he so obviously loves doing.
Both have battled personal difficulties to do their best and have a good lot of fun while doing it. Alas, there is nothing like sports to play the “great leveler”, as they say. The cup belongs to only one. The winner is undisputed irrespective of unfortunate injuries and umpire foul-ups. One cannot hide behind such minor errors in the face of the larger game any more than one can escape the spotlights of the camera that captures the gliding ball across the court. Indeed some matches are particularly matchless…the prize comes only after a long and arduous path has been traversed, like this one. No matter what the nature of the game, the winner is always the better player. There is no two ways about that. Can such a winner be my hero? A hero for a life where there is no clear way to win and certainly more than one way to lose! Can I Blake it back after losses? Fabrice my way through hardships? Or at least do Justine to my chances? As I draw the shape of my own playing court and move along challenging my own line-calls, I do hope that there is a something of a champion in me somewhere that will make Agassi proud if only he knew her.